Bikini Hair Removal Alternatives

ust as men begin to shave at an early age, women also start removing body hair during puberty.

They usually begin by removing hair from their legs and their under arms and quickly achieve considerable expertise.

Women's first choice is normally shaving as it is so easy to apply and the required tools are handy. However there are times when skin irritation develops as well as rashes and ingrown hairs.

Years ago although some - few - women removed hair from their bodies, the vast majority didn't. There wasn't an obvious need to remove hair. Clothes covered most areas that today are exposed without hesitation and without arousing comment. Long dresses and long sleeves covered bare flesh.

As for bikini lines, most people, men or women hadn't even thought about it.

If any female thought of removing hair, be it from their legs, under arms or even pubic hair, the available methods were not exactly inspiring. The thought of using a straight razor would have eliminated most attempts to remove hair, no matter where.

Although women have removed hair from their bodies in many different ages, for the western woman, it wasn't until the twentieth century, and more specifically during the twenties that women started to remove hair from their bodies. Fashion used to develop at a slow pace before this. Now the skirt and sleeve length began to change, going up and down.

This in turn presented more bare flesh, and women quickly discovered the need to remove hair from their legs and underarms.

Then the first daring women began to experiment with swimming suits, leading up to bikinis and beyond. Bikini line grooming was introduced, usually by shaving.

Shaving, particularly body shaving, became a reality and was quickly reflected by the available cosmetic alternatives in the market. These included razors for women with a wide array of additional products like foam, lotions and creams.

Waxing became another alternative to remove hair from the legs. From a spectator's point of view it looked painful and cumbersome, and definitely not recommended for under the arms or near the groin.

Having said that, many women are experts in their chosen field of hair removal.

It was also during the twenties that the electric shaver was patented. Obviously it was directed to the male population, (at that time it would have taken a brave person to market any type of shaving equipment for women).

I like to imagine that some women secretly used their husband's electric shaver, and some probably did.

With the arrival of swimming wear, and the subsequent bikini line grooming, it took very little time or imagination to move onto the next stage - that of shaving pubic hair. (A point of order forces me to acknowledge the anonymous innovators who did shave their pubic hair without the need for the development of any type of clothing fashions).

Today many women shave their pubic hair, either partially or completely. But as the skin in this area is quite obviously very sensitive, extra care must be taken, and different methods are available.

- Shaving (both with a razor or with an electric shaver)

- Waxing, including the Brazilian and the Hollywood methods (partial and total)

- Plucking

- Depilatory creams and lotions

- Electrolysis

- Lasers